Celebrate creativity and collaboration with Art Beat Small Business Saturday by supporting local artists and Arts organizations you love! Enjoy artistic demonstrations, performances, and direct sales with artists on Saturday, November 26 in Sequim WA during our Hometown Holidays!
Art Beat Events on Saturday, November 26, 2022
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Gift Gallery and artists demonstrations at the Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St.
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Artists Market with Sea Glass Artists Mary Beth Beuke, and Fiber Artists Lynn Baritelle, Holly Bliss, Renne Emiko Brock, Jennifer Harris, Robin Nelson, and members of the North Olympic Shuttle and Spindle Guild during the Fiber Arts Festival “Interlaced Lore – Adventure, Fellowship, & Perseverance” exhibition final day at Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue. Enjoy fiber arts demonstrations and learn more about local artist groups too.
Throughout the day Artists of the Olympic Peninsula Art Association will be promoting their upcoming Members’ Art Show and members of the Sequim City Arts Advisory Commission events and projects around town.

Partners include Blue Whole Gallery, First Friday Art Walk Sequim, North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival, Olympic Arts Theatre, Olympic Peninsula Art Association, Sequim City Arts Advisory Commission, Sequim Museum & Arts, and many more are welcome!
The Sequim pARTners meet every month to share plans and experiences to build connections, collaborative opportunities, and comradery between cooperative Arts nonprofits, educational groups, and creative businesses to support and further all of their collective goals and quality of life for our local community together.
Demonstrating interwoven and united connections in the Arts with several heART beats, Sequim pARTners logo by Renne Emiko Brock. It symbolizes our collaboration of different groups, the circles representing the importance of individuals along with the larger community, and plenty of capital As for Arts!
Small Business Saturday is an opportunity to support neighborhood enterprises with unique shopping experiences that contribute to our local economy. Look for the hashtag #ShopSmall and signage of participating businesses.
Choose Local Sequim When you purchase from locally owned businesses, more money stays in our community, providing better services and a more unique place to live. https://www.facebook.com/chooselocalsequim
Sequim Home Town Holidays at Centennial Place on the corner of Sequim Ave and Washington St. Each year Santa comes to downtown Sequim via horse-drawn carriage, historic tractor, or antique fire truck! Families can have their pictures taken with the man in red!
The festivities also mark “Small Business Saturday” and the local merchants will be enticing you to their shops to find all sorts of great gifts, stocking stuffers, hold raffles/contests as well as offer some refreshments! The evening will culminate in a tree-lighting ceremony where you can enter the “number of lights” contest where you might win a gift certificate to spend at a local business that night! Immediately after, there will be a lighted tractor parade organized by the Sequim Museum & Arts.