Prospectus for exhibition “Irresistible Aesthetics – Beauty, Absorption, & Ideology”
A juried fiber arts exhibition of spellbinding, splendid, and sublime delights for the senses embracing the fascination of working with mesmerizing materials and hypnotic methods. Expressed as satisfyingly subtle to voraciously hedonistic, aesthetics is defined as the perception, appreciation, and creation of what is considered beautiful. Belief systems, color values, and personal philosophy are embedded into the pleasure of creating and experiencing fiber art creations. From utilitarian towels to fancy fluff, attraction and obsession fuel creators to produce exquisite works through time honored techniques and enthusiastic experimentation. Seasoned or newer creations are welcome. Open to all fiber arts media.
Online Application at
Entry Deadline: September 7, 2019 at 9 PM
Artwork Delivery: Before September 25, 2019
Exhibit Dates: October 1 – November 30, 2019
Opening Reception: Oct 5, 2019
First Friday Art Walk Sequim Receptions: October 4, 2019 and November 1, 2019
North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival –